Last Monday Jason and I went to Seattle to run some errands.  As usual, I had my camera bag along and to kill time while walking around, I took some pictures.  For some reason I’m mildly obsessed with this vintage Minolta 50mm F1.4 manual focus lens that I acquired and can’t stop shooting with it even though it’s actually a giant pain in the ass.  We started at the ferry terminal and ended up by Lake Union.

Street with bridge
I love these lights! I’m glad I finally got to stop and shoot them.

Lens flare!

Old and new
Different view of Pike Place
Neon glow
Flowers in Pike Place
It’s tulip season!
Terrible photo of the wheel and highways
Dude looking over the railing
Behind the fence
The other end of Pike Place
Ironically shooting a brick wall
Down the alley
Amazon spheres. So cool! Want to visit!
People in the park

Yellow tree
Geese at the park
Another fence.
More interesting view of the fence.

I am glad that I’ve gotten to experiment with this old lens so much.  It’s made me appreciate the autofocus and technical perfection of my regular 55mm lens, but also appreciate the “character” that the old lenses have that the new ones can’t quite recreate.  I also have a 24mm and a 135mm vintage lenses.  I need to take them all out more often and see what I can get!