I just got back from a two week trip to Japan.  Unfortunately I had to work, so I didn’t have a lot of free time to just go shoot.  I’m still working my way through my photos of our actual excursions so here are the random outtakes from wandering around Yokosuka and Kamakura.

Nikon shooters with bicycles. Had to get the bike beauty shot otherwise the ride didn’t happen!
At the train station
Down a random alley
Another train track. We rode quite a few trains this time.
Little stuffed critters advertising beer because why not.
Fish flip flops! I didn’t realize how close to the beach we were.
Handmade pottery.
Japanese fabric at the Kimono store
I love Chinese steamed buns!!!!
Another train track
This train has a funny face.
Cool little chopper parked in the Honch
Fun with color grading on some stairs
Don’t know what that says.
I even got the “Yokosuka” in the background!

I ended up only bringing two lenses this time to save weight: my 16-35 badass autofocus lens and my 50mm vintage Minolta lens.  The Minolta is a ton of fun to use and I kept myself entertained for a while shooting out of focus pictures (on purpose!) of the street lights and cars as they drove by.

Street light
I really liked this random shot. It’s my favorite.