This is a conglomeration of photos that were forgotten or misplaced or from my iphone.  I’m making up for my poor organizational skills by posting them all here! 🙂 See the description under the photo.

This is a little carved black pearl necklace I bought at the Papeete Market. Found the little Buddha at the rental house.
Sunrise at the park bench
View one morning from our little rented cabin
Sunset at the Papeete shipping depot
Food trucks setting up! Almost ready to feast!
Basket of fruit waiting for us when we checked into the cabin
A lizard
I thought this was a hilarious lost in translation thing, but apparently Russian Banana is a legit type of small potato.
Baguettes everywhere. So tasty and cheap. We had so many PBJ sandwiches on them. I kind of miss it.
Bento Box excellence!
Finally! A real cappuchino! 🙂
Jason took some long exposure shots of the sky

A lizard and Jason’s hat. Probably the best shot of the trip.