We spent most of our time in Bend in the mountains and forests, however we did head out to the desert side to visit the Boyd Cave.  The cave is actually a lava tube.  It is located down a dirt road and the entrance has a small wooden sign, fence made out of old railroad tracks, and a rather shady looking metal ladder descending into a very deep, very black hole in the ground.  What’s the worst that could happen?

Seems legit.
I wonder how many people accidentally fell in here…
This is the only light…

It was dead quiet in here, except for a single chipmunk running up and down the ladder.

So as you can see, not a lot of light down here.  We brought enough headlamps for everyone.  Unfortunately one was completely dead.  I had a flashlight in my backpack that I bought for photos, but it was a complete pile of crap.  (thanks, Amazon!) So everyone went ahead to explore the cave and I stayed by the light and took photos. I’m not exploring a lava tube by the light of my iphone.  I like my phone, but don’t feel like trusting my life to an Apple product. 😉

This would be scary as shit if that ladder wasn’t there.
Photo without HDR
My favorite photo of the set. I did use HDR in this shot to bring out the ladder and foreground.

So since I did finally drag my tripod along on an excursion and we were all alone in a crazy cool dark cave, we decided to play around with long exposure photography and light painting!  If you don’t know what light painting is, it’s where you set up the camera to a super long exposure time (like 15-30 seconds!) in a really dark place and then take a flash light and “paint” whateveritis with light.  It’s a ton of fun!

The actual cave. I think a regular flash would have worked better.

Vicky and Dwayne in a heart. Time for a new Facebook photo!
We got these by having her walk along the tunnel swinging the flashlight around!
We did this same thing in a tunnel up at Fort Flagler!

This was a ton of fun to explore and I’m glad that I brought my camera! There are so many options for cool photos here and we didn’t even go that far into the cave! Can’t wait to come back with waaaay better lighting!

