A few weeks ago now I thought it would be a stellar idea to start a “one a week” photo challenge. It’s only one photo each entire week… how could I mess this up? Well, the date function on my computer informs me that it’s now past week 2 of this challenge and that I’ve already missed it. Well, shit. The subject this time is: “Cold”. The problem with that is that I was on vacation in a tropical island all week and spent a solid 75% of my time underwater scuba diving. I had thought about getting a shot with some frilly, icy beverage to use but it just didn’t happen. I also realized that I’ve dragged my camera around the world with me a few times now and the sensor is filthy, so she’s currently at the camera spa getting all squeaky clean. It’s been the first time in a very long time that I don’t have a camera. I have my trusty (HA!) Iphone6. So that’s what I used for these two sad little photos. But this stupid challenge was part of my new year’s resolutions, so I have to make it at least a month before I crash and burn. 😉
This first photo was taken in my favorite local coffee shop, Fraiche Cup. I was waiting for a person to meet me there from the Seattle ferry so I could make some money on a shady craigslist transation. Isn’t that how everyone spends their Sunday mornings?
This second photo was taken with Jessica and Cam after a cold and fairly muddy mountain bike ride. She did drink the tea, but I think it’s main purpose was its warmth!
So there ya go. I do have a plan for next week’s challenge, so I shall start again! and I’ll have my camera back by then! 🙂