This dive is called “Menagerie” due to the vast quantities and types of fish and other animals that school in the area.  True to its name, this is probably the most diverse dive of the trip so far.  It’s hard to get close enough to the fish with my wide-angle lens for them to show up as anything more than a small speck in the picture.  I did have a lot of fun trying to see how close I could get to them before they swam away and hopefully get my picture! By the end of the dive I had partially given up and just started shoving my camera down into holes and inside foliage just to see what would happen. On our ascent to the surface a small school of silvery fish started to hang around and even followed Jason up to the boat! We were all hanging out at the surface on the boat talking about the dive and eating watermelon when everyone started tossing their watermelon rinds overboard.  The silver fish went crazy fighting over the melon… which is the reason they were hanging out right below the boat! That kept us all entertained for longer than I care to admit.

Pipefish I think
Pipefish I think
Our trusty guide, Gringo
Our trusty guide, Gringo
Another pipefish
Another pipefish
Another Moray
Another Moray
Backlit photo of a coral
Backlit photo of a coral
Line of fish swimming away
Line of fish swimming away
Cut in the reef
Cut in the reef
Crab hiding in the rocks
Crab hiding in the rocks
Gringo at an underwater memorial for someone he knew.
Gringo at an underwater memorial for someone he knew.
Julio Gomez
Julio Gomez
Big sponge? I know I call them all coral... but there are sponges too...
Big sponge? I know I call them all coral… but there are sponges too…
Fish swimming by
Fish swimming by
Giant school of Dory fish eating something
Giant school of Dory fish eating something
They've accepted me as one of their own
They’ve accepted me as one of their own
Looks like an underwater cactus
Looks like an underwater cactus
Coral filled with life.
Coral filled with life.
Fish looking for handouts under the boat
Fish looking for handouts under the boat