We quickly decided that Normans Cay was too crowded and not a place we wanted to spend more time at, so we pulled anchor and headed south towards Hawksbill Cay. Hawksbill is just south of Shroud Cay and the charts indicated that it had beautiful beaches and numerous ruins scattered around the island. I love ruins so I definitely wanted to check it out! We ended up nosing our way up along the shoreline to a shallow area just off of a lovely little private beach pretty far away from the normal anchorage. It was ideal!

Most of the ruins in the Bahamas are from the British Loyalists fleeing America after the revolutionary war. It looks like a harsh existence out here with the scraggly rocks and lack of water.

Entrance from the beach
Pretty tight trail

Nice view of the boat
Concrete walls
Maybe a wall?

Someone’s old house. We think they had wood roofs
Jason for scale
Oven to break down the conch shells to make cement