As predicted, the weather is going to make a turn for the worse and instead of just being windy it’s going to be super windy and from the West so we need a place to hide. We decided to head to our usual bad weather hidey hole: pipe creek. It’s a collection of small islands that offers 360 degree protection from the wind, which we’re going to desperately need. When we pulled the anchor up this morning, however, the winds were still very light. That was lucky because after getting the sails up we realized that our centerboard was jammed and wouldn’t drop down.  We left the main sail up but anchored again while jason jumped into the water to see if he could wrestle it free. That didn’t work but I fixed it quickly from inside the boat by taking the clear inspection panel off and just pushing it down gently. Turns out that was way quicker and easier than getting into the water!

Beautiful sunrise light on the water

After fixing our boat, the sail itself was fairly boring. (Luckily) we could see a few storms on the horizon but nothing that bothered us.

By the time we hit Pipe Creek and anchored, the sun was out and the winds were still calm. We took the dinghy to the beach to do a little exploration while we could.

So many petrified conch shells
Always wear shoes
Baby shark!

The water color is my favorite thing
Found a handful of baby conch shells
My prize for the day

After our hike we returned to the boat to prepare. Jason made some dinner and then he read his book while I painted.

And yes, that’s a celebratory second pot of coffee! I’m not sure what I’m celebrating, I just wanted it. I always panic about the amount of coffee to buy because it’s hard to find and expensive in the Bahamas, but I have like 3 giant Costco bags so I think I’m good to go…