A few years ago Jason and I took our sweet Chevy Colorado and camper through part of the old Applegate-Lassen emigrant trail in Nevada.  It was pretty intense, but full of awesome historical landmarks (like settlers writing their names in axle grease on the canyon walls!).  The trail itself was mostly an ill-fated venture for a lot of the settlers (many died and there wasn’t much water) and it didn’t end up very well for us either since we hit a rock at just the right angle and destroyed one of our tires.  This cut our trip short because we had to detour to Reno and get replacement tires.

That’s a pain. And we almost couldn’t find the lug nut we dropped in the sagebrush!
Pretty area though

After spending the night in the black rock desert we were planning the route to take to head south towards Vegas and realized that the other section of the emigrant trail runs right though the area.  We decided to go that route and finish what we started! (spoiler alert: no 4Runners were harmed!)

Rabbit hole spring. Pretty sad and empty

Feel bad for the settlers that had to drink this
Old stone structure. Not built by settlers I’m sure.

Painted hills! (cool campsite in this area! going to come back!)

long lonely road!

Lots of cattle grazing out in this remote area.  We came across a spring or well that someone had modified to fill a water trough.  The water was pretty gross, but we stopped and had sandwiches and chips for lunch!

valve in the ground.

Further up into the mountains we found a lot of abandoned and also active mines!  One we found by complete accident and drove up to check it out!

The tube is blocked off
blocked…but some genius cut an access hole in it
view from the hill

Lots of open mine shafts. Hike with care!
Don’t fall in!
Maybe the bucket lift was steam powered?

This pit is much larger than it looks! the 4Runner would fit in here.
Glamour shots.

After a few hours of exploring we made it back into town and came across this ultra creepy clown motel. NO THANKS!!!

whyyyy!??!?!?! stuff of nightmares.