Our friend Caroline came up for a few days to visit us!  We hung out in the pool and went to St. Augustine.  I didn’t take very many pictures!

Borrowed a kayak from Jason’s sister and went paddling!
Excellent pizza from St. Augustine!
Sunset at Salt Run
Interesting sunset shadow!
Moss and a gigantic oak tree!
DIY smoothie bowl… my first!

We got back to the apartment pretty late one night and start to park when we hear some loud explosions! Pretty quickly we realize they’re fireworks! (luckily not gunshots, but it was jarring!) We think it was high school graduation and the high school is right behind the apartment. The show rivaled anything we saw on July 4th!

To kill some time we drove by the abandoned space shuttle fuel tank that’s randomly parked at the other end of the boat yard!

Space Shuttle External Fuel Tank

It’s pretty big!
Hard to get far enough away to get a good shot of it!
4Runner looking awesome!