Flying to Vancouver was my first time on a seaplane and I LOVED it! It was really cool seeing all of the islands and inlets that we took the boat to from the sky.  I recognized a lot of places and found a few spots I might try to explore when I get back! Apparently Harbor Air’s flight from Lake Union to Vancouver was a new one for them and there were some growing pains.  My flight originally left Vancouver at a reasonable time in the afternoon, however before I left they had changed it to 7 in the morning due to pilot availability.  That means that I had to be at the seaplane terminal by 6:35.  😮 That’s NOT a relaxing morning, especially because Starbucks wouldn’t be open in time for me to get a latte and a breakfast sandwich before leaving the hotel.

However it worked out in the end because I actually arrived before the seaplane terminal even opened and decided to wander around outside on the waterfront and take a few last minute photos (because I didn’t have enough already?!).  The sun was just coming up over the mountains, turning everything pink and purple! I may have to reconsider this whole sunrise/sunset thing!

planes at the tail end of blue hour
in a row and ready to go
sunrise reflecting off the glass
mountains and shipping terminal
Canada Place
One last shot!

It was an amazing weekend! I’m not sure how Jason’s going to be able to top this year’s birthday present! The workshop was fantastic and I learned so much.  The seaplane ride was just a bonus.