Anyone who’s been on my blog for more than 10 minutes has probably pretty already figured out that I love taking pictures of graffiti, stickers, rust, and trash.  I had a field day with all the graffiti in the area surrounding the hotel so I prefer to interpret this photo challenge entry as “visual litter.”  Let the games begin!

Is that Bill Murray?
Is that Bill Murray?
This one bar is coated in stickers. I need to bring my zoom lens next time and just go to town on it.
This one bar is coated in stickers. I need to bring my zoom lens next time and just go to town on it.
Graffiti AND rust? Jackpot!
Graffiti AND rust? Jackpot!
Nuclear Hello Kitty
Nuclear Hello Kitty
Liked the colors. and I have no idea what it says.
Liked the colors. and I have no idea what it says.
Contrast of blue with pink.
Contrast of blue with pink.
Nice fade on the paint there...
Nice fade on the paint there…
I thought they kind of looked like giant coffee beans... one track mind, I suppose.
I thought they kind of looked like giant coffee beans… one track mind, I suppose.
I think it's a cat or something?
I think it’s a cat or something?
Array of the same sticker. Also rust.
Array of the same sticker. Also rust.
Excellent rust smear and nice colors.
Excellent rust smear and nice colors.
So many colors! and paint drips. this guy was sloppy!
So many colors! and paint drips. this guy was sloppy!
I've taken a photo of this door before.  It's been there for a few years now.  I wonder if they just never paint over each other's art here?
I’ve taken a photo of this door before. It’s been there for a few years now. I wonder if they just never paint over each other’s art here?
Angry face
Angry face
I walked down an alley to get this one. Safety third.
I walked down an alley to get this one. Safety third.
Nice texture to this one
Nice texture to this one
I thought it looked like a grimacing whale...
I thought it looked like a grimacing whale…
Livla liked this post also.
Livla liked this post also.
Cones and a bird.  I almost want to make up my own little stickers and put them up all over Japan just because that seems like a popular thing to do.
Cones and a bird. I almost want to make up my own little stickers and put them up all over Japan just because that seems like a popular thing to do.
Detailed sticker of an angry looking dude. mmmmkay.
Detailed sticker of an angry looking dude. mmmmkay.
Another cute skull.
Another cute skull.
Drips and rust.
Drips and rust.
Red sticker on a box
Red sticker on a box
Sticker of a girl's face.  I love unintentional portraits like this.
Sticker of a girl’s face. I love unintentional portraits like this.
Even better in black and white.
Even better in black and white.
I love their trash cans here.  They have so much character.
I love their trash cans here. They have so much character.
