From a distance… more like, shot from my computer room window randomly handheld at like ISO 4000 or something because I’m super lazy.


One of the most distant things I could think of! Really, I just looked outside and was like "holy crap that's really cool!" SNAP.
One of the most distant things I could think of! Really, I just looked outside and was like “holy crap that’s really cool!” SNAP.

So it appears I’ve actually almost finished my photo challenge! Only one left: Self-portraits.  Which is always a hard one for me, but I have a few ideas for it this time. Unfortunately (fortunately!) it will have to wait until after Jason and I get back from vacation! 🙂


1 Comment

  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg October 9, 2014 at 2:02 pm

    It IS cool. I keep expecting to see a picture of Batman in the picture.