After our extremely cold, tedious, and sometimes exciting sail south we were really happy to hang out at Point Marina for a few days and relax!  We knocked out some boat chores and borrowed a car to go into Merritt and the nearby town of Oriental, NC. I even found a coffee shop!

We got our dinghy back from Dave and Lisa and put it on the boat
It’s dark there at night

This hatch leaked so we tore it out and re-sealed it
All cleaned up and now the water doesn’t drip on my face

Next up on the to-do list was some maintenance on the winches.  The first 3 were quick and easy.  The last one took almost 5 hours.  It had to be removed from the hull of the boat entirely, which necessitated the removal of the interior headliner as well.  After taking it all apart I’m actually amazed that the winch even still worked.  Every surface was coated in petrified grease and sludge.  I had to use a chisel on it at first just to get the bulk of the crap off.  Eventually I got all the parts cleaned up and reassembled with the correct grease.  It spins so free and nice now!

Before. The shaft is supposed to be straight… the rest is grease
spinny bits

Eventually it was time to head south and Lisa sent me a picture of our boat!