We usually don’t bother eating out at restaurants in the Bahamas because, unfortunately, the food here is usually terrible. But… it was a cloudy rainy day and we all just wanted to get off the boats for a while so we headed out in the dinghies to a place called Cheaters that was located on the water. None of us had been back this way before so it was neat to see how the locals live.  The restaurant had a little beach with enough room for 2-4 dinghies so we beaches them and scurried across the street.

Our “cars” in the “parking lot”
Brightly painted building
Old boat up on land
Artsy pic of a light bulb

The verdict was??? Meh. Not sure why we expected different but the food was just alright and expensive just like everywhere else. Kind of a waste of money but at least we got off the boat for a few hours…

After we made it back to the boats, the wind calmed down enough for me to sneak in a paddle around the anchorage.

Not bright and sunny today
Went back to explore that blue hole