Unfortunately there was going to be yet another period of strong wind and Shroud Cay isn’t the place to be for that so we had to move again. We wanted to go somewhere new though, so we headed down to Samson Cay, located just north of Staniel. The island itself is home to a beautiful private resort with high quality docks…that no one can use. We don’t think the island is currently operating but there are staff there maintaining it. When we arrived the head of the little bay was completely empty so we anchored True North in about 5’ of water and called it a day! Being upwind of all the other boats gives us nice peace of mind that no one with s shitty anchor is going to come careening into us in the middle of the night.

Duster likes to be outside with us when the boat moves.
Darker blue in the deeper water. It looks fake.
Pretty girl!

The nicest part about Samson is that there’s an area between the islands that turns into sand bars at low tide and it’s all pretty protected from the wind! So we hopped in the dinghies to go over and check it out.  It’s more of a mangrove area so instead of sand it’s more of a sticky mud in spots. Jason heroically dragged the dinghy through it so I didn’t have to walk in it.

The cut to get to the sand bar area
Erin and Kara
My hero
More beautiful clear water
My usual outfit
Ready to go have drinks with friends!

I think we’re going to like this spot!