Kaycee has a hobby making intricately detailed chest pieces and other dramatic jewelry.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get much planning before this shoot and she didn’t have anything ready to go! But because she’s amazing, she just whipped up this amazing outfit out of things she had just laying around the house.  I can’t help but imagine how fabulous her house is! We met up at Howe Farm again because apparently it’s my favorite place to shoot right now!  We timed sunset just right and caught that golden lighting as the sun went down!

I’ve wanted to get a shot with these trees for forever!
Playing in the field

Up on a hill by a tree
She really wanted to climb into this hollow tree stump

Dappled lighting is hard to work with!
The log is hard to take non-senior-portraits with, but I think we got it!
Down the path
We tried something with the green of her skirt. Not sure I nailed it.
My favorite of this shoot, just in front of a basic green tree!
Through the trees to the parking lot
Last shaft of light for the day