Due to weather we had planned to go all the way to the end of the ragged islands and then work our way back north. We left Long Island and headed to Flamingo Cay to spend the night and then the next morning went out into the open ocean to finish our run south to Double Breasted Cay just north of Duncan Town.

While we were out in the open water we caught two nasty barracuda that luckily got off of the hooks fairly easily. We put our fishing poles back out (after going back into some much deeper water) and were talking about how there’s nothing to catch here and we should just reel everything back in since we were only a few miles away from the cut when one of the rods goes off. Something big was peeling line off of it! Fish on!!

I saw something jump behind the boat so we thought it was a mahi. It reeled line out 3-4 more times and we just kept winching it back in. The boat just parked herself in the wind very nicely and let us deal with our fish! (Good boat!) when we finally got eyes on the fish it looked like a mahi still but there was a huge silver thing behind it and it looked like a shark was about to get our fish! However after reeling my arms off getting it to the boat as quick as I could to avoid the shark we realize that the green thing we thought was the fish was actually seaweed and the “shark” was the fish. And it was freaking huuuuge! 😮

It ended up being a huge wahoo. Didn’t get a weight on it but it was 58” long! Definitely the biggest fish I’ve ever caught!

Tailed on the side of the boat
Had to bring it on deck so it didn’t get beat to shit underway
My fish!!!!!
Since I reeled it in, jason gets to clean it!
That’s a lot of meat! (That’s what she said)
Two VERY interested cats
Fresh ceviche

We made ceviche first and had Vela over for a victory celebration.