Today we woke up and jason made me guava pancakes (from some mix I brought back from a work trip to Guam!) with guava jam that we picked up in Spanish Wells. It was excellent!

We met up with our friends on Vela a few hours later to try one of the snorkeling spots nearby at Emerald Rock. It’s just a huge rock with large undercut ledges at the waterline and a ton of little reef fish. Pretty neat!

Emerald  rock was cool but not as breathtaking as we wanted so we decided to try the cut by the mooring field since it was slack tide.  Just past the shallow spot the water gets much deeper and there are huge corals full of tons of fish. The coolest part though was when  group of 6 spotted eagle rays just kept swimming in large lazy circles around where we were snorkeling to check us out. They were all huge and so majestic gliding through the water!

Jason diving

A very skittish shark

After we got back to the boat I spent a few hours on deck laying on the sun and then took my paddle-yak (using my paddleboard as a kayak…) for a spin around the bay to explore the little sandy beaches and entrance to the mangrove river.

Afterwards we took the dinghy to the sandbar behind the boat (maybe 20’ away…) and met up with a few other boats for happy hour and general bullshitting. It was an excellent time and we were all out there until the sun went down!