We left Hope Town and embarked on a few hours of way more wind than predicted and motored right into tall wind waves the entire way. Not a fun situation at all. We were wondering the whole time if we shouldn’t have just stayed in Hope Town instead of pushing south to try to make this weather window! Eventually we made it to the Bight of Old Robinson, which is a huge circular anchorage at the southern end of Abaco. It would have been a neat place to explore. The inside edge has a bunch of shallow islands and there are even a number of “blue hole” sink holes! Unfortunately the wind was ripping (anchoring was an adventure…) and we still had to prepare the boat for our ocean crossing the next day. (Always takes longer than it should)

Sunset wasn’t too bad!

The weather the next day for our crossing (50 miles!) was forecasted to be almost too calm with winds averaging about 8 knots. But, as usual, the forecast was wrong. This time though it worked out perfect and we had a pleasant 15 knots on the beam the entire way. Peregrine pretty much flew! We only had to motor about a half hour when the wind was too light to use the sails. Overall it was a fantastic passage! Even though we didn’t catch a single fish. (Sad for us and sad for the cats).  We saw a gigantic mega yacht on the way. It was over 300’ long and towing a 40’ fishing boat that probably costs twice as much as our sailboat!