I know it’s been a few days since I’ve said anything about our custom hardtop that we’re building… It’s been happily sitting next to the boat getting slathered in paint and then being ignored to let it dry.  We finally decided that this last coat of blue paint was good enough and hauled it up on top of the boat!

I love having halyards available to pick shit up with!

After setting it on the deck, Jason and I wrangled it into place on top of the existing dodger frame.  Currently it’s just sitting there while we figure out where we want the mounting points to be and how we’re going to modify the canvas to work with the new top. I love the color though! It’s exactly what I wanted: modern looking without being too bright or too “traditional”.

We’re going to use the current canvas and window assembly for now because I don’t have time or motivation to tear it all apart and make a new one with the beige canvas that I bought like 3 months ago… It’s a lot of work! Don’t judge me! 😉