Not *only* did we set the boat in the water this morning, but we also used the travel lift and the attached crane to reinstall the mast!

The lift in position over our mast
New rigging all coiled up and ready to put into place
Lifted and ready to roll
Almost here!

Apparently our mast is at the limit of what they can reasonably pick up with their crane.  They tied it about half way up and as they slowly rolled the lift forward towards the boat it was obvious that the mast was going to hit the deck.  They stopped with inches to spare! 😮 To get it in, the crane drove forward with the top of the mast while the guys held the bottom end back.  The increased angle gave it enough room to fit over the deck and into the hole! Nerve wracking to watch from my vantage point in the cockpit.

Almost in!
*insert dirty joke here*
woo! the living room looks normal again!

She’s a sailboat again!!!! 🙂

It was a very long, very hot, very exciting day!  We’re one step closer to having her all buttoned up and ready to sail!