Jason and I had an insanely productive day today! It was a great change of pace…yesterday we both just felt “blah” about the whole thing.  We more than made up for it!

To start, Jason dug out the jigsaw and cut the plywood pieces that would support the reinstallation of the fiberglass floor above where the hole was cut to fit the new holding tank in.  The previous owners had just set the floor piece on top of wood and not secured it in any way. We definitely wanted it bolted in place!

Our shiny new PLASTIC tank!
Support pieces screwed into place.
The floor cut out screws into the boards underneath.
We can finally walk through here!

There’s been a giant hole in the master bedroom for practically 2 entire weeks and I was getting tired of having to tiptoe around it.  It’s also nice that the actual teak flooring is a separate 3/4″ chunk of wood that covers the fiberglass so we don’t have to even paint to hide the fact that there was previously a gigantic hole in the boat!

While Jason was working on that, I decided to finish the running the water tubing for the aft head.  Technically all that was needed was another tee to supply fresh water to the new toilet.  Realistically? The hoses are old garbage, the routing is terrible, and the daisy chain of fittings makes me want to just rip it all out and start from scratch. I didn’t get to run all new tubing because that’s not something we need to pursue right now, but I did run new to the shower because those hoses were utter garbage.  The factory routing is behind the false bulkhead panel, but these things were dry rotted in place, so I ended up just cutting them and shoving the stubs back into the wall.  I ran 2 new hoses inside the actual cabinet. I should be able to attach them up and out of the way.

that’s not too bad. A few zip ties and we’re good!
The shower head is still broken, but everything is put back together so we can deal with it later.

The shower situation definitely needs some help, but that’s a project for another day. Doesn’t it clean up pretty? After putting the shower and cabinets back together (hey, I found our diesel fuel fill hose!) I went below into the lower cabinet to redo the routing of all of the stuff down there.  It’s laid out a lot more conveniently now.

What a mess…
Now I have 2 small manifolds for hot and cold water.
Up and out of the way!

While the aft head still has a few tiny things it needs to be considered “done”, it is now fully functional!

We finished up our tasks for the day and took a break for lunch back at the apartment.  After  few hours of relaxing we went back to the boat where Jason removed the old refrigerator cooler and I washed the boat!  I don’t think she’s had a bath in a few years at least and since we had tarps on her for a few months she started to turn green.  The paint isn’t shiny and beautiful yet, but she at least looks washed and loved!

Need to peel the old name stickers off the back!

Now all I want to do is get my buffer out and bring the shine back to the paint!