On our way back from snowshoeing at hurricane ridge yesterday, we stopped back by Fort Flagler.  I managed to get a few more photos of some new rooms and tunnels we happened to miss all the times we visited before. Super awesomely creepy! One of these days I’ll remember to bring an actual flashlight!

Not sure why pineapples
Munitions loading springs
Sound proof room
Wonder what tore this gate off….
Oldest dates we found were from the 70’s
Pretty sure kids just came here to smoke weed

flagler-8-2 flagler-13-2 flagler-11-2 flagler-15-2




Stamped concrete foundation
Stamped concrete foundation

Part of Fort Flagler is the beach, so we wandered around that and looked for rocks and played in the water.

Beach hut
Beach hut
Another spectacular driftwood hut
Another spectacular driftwood hut
The beach
The beach
I think this is a coast guard station? I don't like to read signs.
I think this is a coast guard station? I don’t like to read signs.
2 brothers fighting over a rock.
2 brothers fighting over a rock.
Seashell collection
Seashell collection
A bee!
A bee!
Not sure why it was crawling around in the grass... but I got a photo of it!
Not sure why it was crawling around in the grass… but I got a photo of it!
On base housing
On base housing
I think you can rent these...
I think you can rent these…
Base housing
Base housing
They mow part of their field with a goat...
They mow part of their field with a goat…
I dislike goats.
I dislike goats.

We also headed down to Poulsbo for dinner, but our favorite wood fired pizza place was closed! So we grabbed a donut from Sluy’s bakery and left.

Viking photography.
Viking photography.