Last time I drove out to the Dole Plantation I failed to notice a sign on the side of the road pointing to a botanical garden.  Mom and I decided to check it out this time and it didn’t disappoint!  The Wahiawa Botanical Garden is huge, gorgeous, and well worth the drive! (it’s also free!) I would definitely come back here again! (with more camera lenses and possibly some flash equipment…)

Yes, the colors are real on this Jade Vine.

depth of field!
Interesting bud
Swirling trees

lonely yellow flower

Path through the trees

Plants growing on the trees

The trees were huge and gorgeous!

The little vine up the tree is vanilla
Palm fronds
Rainbow eucalyptus tree again

One of my favorite shots
More jade vine. The only place this was growing was the fence in the parking lot.

My favorite part of this garden was a large awning just covered in these gorgeous vines.  I took way too many photos of the flowers from below with the light shining through. 😉

Gorgeous canopy of flowers