Before we left Bora Bora, we moved the boat closer to the lagoon entrance so we would we be ready to go early the next morning.  I jumped into the water to check the anchor and the depth of some of the coral heads that the boat could possibly drift over/into.  After verifying that the boat was shallower than the rocks, I realized that there were actually a ton of fish on the coral.  I gathered up Rashell and Jason and we went exploring!

I actually took the time to put the strobes on my camera so I could get some fish pictures, and amazingly enough, the fish cooperated!  There was an entire school of butterfly fish that were very interested in me, swarmed around, and were, at times, too close to my camera to even take a photo! It was so much fun. I almost touched one!

Here they are foraging

Striped fish
I’m glad I actually got some detail on this dark colored fish
Different pipefish
I chased this elusive little bugger all over the reef
Cool striped fish
Bright green fish
Small sea urchin

One unique thing about this area is the quantity of brightly colored clams nestled into most of the rock surfaces.  I’m not sure how they even get in there, but they come in bright blue and green.  They’re hard to take pictures of because if they feel the rush of water from your camera, they will close.  So you have to slowly move the camera towards them… but that’s hard to do when you’re freediving!  I spent a lot of time holding my breath with my butt in the air so I could get the camera low enough.  I’m sure it looked super awkward!

The blue ones were my favorite. So pretty!

The shots make me want to go back to Roatan and go diving!