Y’all already know how Prime Cay is one of our favorite islands so it shouldn’t be a shock that we ended up there again. Our goal was to head to the more northern Exumas because we desperately need groceries and laundry. Prime just happened to be conveniently on the way!

We hooked back up with Chris on Sorn and did a hike around the northern part of the island, picking our way along the rocks lining the shore.

Some sort of material seeping from the limestone
We dove the cave between the rocks a few years ago
Super clear water with a lot of current!

Jason and I went up to the lakeview trail to do some trail maintenance with the machete. I was making pretty good progress until I saw a snake. I love snakes! But this one just wouldn’t get off the trail. Usually they just slink away but this one didn’t. I didn’t seem aggressive or like it was guarding a nest, it just like…wanted to hang out.  It started climbing the trees and ended up face to face with Jason like it wanted to climb up onto him also! Super weird encounter so we eventually just left because I feel like that snake would have just followed us around!