Last time we were here we stopped at Jamaica Cay and snorkeled this amazing blue hole that was a short dinghy ride from the anchorage. Unfortunately after checking it out this time we decided it was too rough with too much current to be a good time so we had to bail on that activity. The island itself used to be inhabited so there are ruins of an old house, 2 large tank trucks, and a bunch of other stuff laying abandoned. I love abandoned stuff so I had a blast looking at everything. We also got to walk on the beach for a while and look for shells and sea beans! It was nice to really get off the boat and stretch my legs!

Sorn flying a hull because they’re fast as shit

Someone had a bad day

Looks like wood but this is an old truck wheel

Hard to show but this is the drop off for the blue hole

If the weather were calmer we may have stayed the night here but it wasn’t and the anchorage was choppy and uncomfortable so we left and carried on a little further south!