Unfortunately the wind was predicted to shift, making governors harbor an unpleasant anchorage. We would have loved to explore more, but instead chose to head to Spanish Wells. It isn’t that far across, but there’s a narrow cut that can be extremely dangerous at all but slack tide so we had to time our departure and manage our speed to ensure we would get there on time. Overall I find that whole situation stressful because of the time crunch but we managed to hit it perfectly and breezed through the cut. We made it to the other side and turned north just as the wind shifted in our favor! Overall it was a fantastic sail! We anchored just outside the entrance to the main part of Spanish Wells and took the dinghy into town to run to the grocery store. There’s no obvious dinghy dock here so we asked a fishing boat if we could use their small kayak dock. They were fine with it, which was great because it was just over the hill to the store instead of the longer walk to the other end of town where people tie to the sea wall. I didn’t take many pictures since we were just on an errand run. One of our errands was to go by the customs office and officially check out of the country! Unfortunately…. It’s the weekend and we forgot. Shit. We ended up just calling them on the phone and they processed our paperwork online and we were on our way!

Headed to the cut!
Narrower than it looks!
Duster being adorable
He snuggles when he’s scared.
Cute little nugget