I’m still not really sure what a “bight” is other than a really circular body of water that we anchored in on our way south… I remember looking at the charts for the area and seeing a few blue holes scattered around in the shallow islands and mangroves at the outside of the bight. Now that we’re back in The Abacos with some time to kill we decided to take the dinghy over and check it out!

This would be a fantastically interesting place to take a kayak. The blue holes are located in shallow water in the back side of some little islands and rocks. There are mangroves to explore, tons of turtles, and a bunch of area that we didn’t get to see. Next year!

The water this time is more green and less clear than it was last time we were here. Apparently this area is having an algae bloom right now, which is unfortunate for us but good for wildlife. The blue holes were exactly where they were marked on the map and made for a pretty neat snorkel! A few of them had swim through tunnels or regular tunnels to other holes. I would love to go back when the water is more clear and it’s easier to see!

Hole to nowhere
Into the abyss


A little group of baby lobster