After leaving Duncan Town we had to head back north. The ragged islands don’t have many places to anchor that are protected from weather and there was a storm rolling in in a week or so. Our goal for the day was a little anchorage a few hours north so jason made it a point to sail even when we were only going 3 knots. (Frustratingly slow) However when we were almost there Vela suggested that the anchorage might be too rolly and that maybe we should sail another few hours to Jamaica Cay because there’s a cool blue hole and lots of snorkeling. Since the water was super calm it might be our only chance to do the blue hole. Good enough reason for me! We had to fire up the engine to get there though. Jamaica was actually super cool.  The anchorage is surrounded by jagged rocks and there is an abandoned resort with coconut trees.

We started with the blue hole which ended up being super deep with a lot of large fish and a few sharks circling the bottom! Overall it was a surprisingly fantastic dive!


Hog fish

Steps to nowhere
Old building
Tanker because why not

I really enjoyed Jamaica Cay and would have loved to explore it more but the wind kicked up and we started rolling. Realizing it wouldn’t be a comfortable night’s sleep we all pulled our anchors and continued a few more hours north to Flamingo Cay!