Crab Cay is only a few hours south of Fox Town right at the entrance to the sea of abaco. The guide book said the anchorage was really nice with good snorkeling and that sounded good enough to me! We anchored off the beach in like 8’ of water but later realized it was like 4-5’ deep almost to the shore line! The shore itself was super rocky except for a little stretch of sandy beach lined with palm trees! Jason and I headed to the beach right after setting the anchor to see if we could get some fresh coconuts. The trees actually had orange coconuts, not the usual green, and none sounded like they had liquid inside so we didn’t actually pick any up… but that was mostly because while we were there jason tore his toenail off on a rock so we had to go back to the boat and get him patched up! After that debacle we kind of just hung around the boat a little bit and then made some dinner to take over to our friends’ boat.

Coconut sprouting!

The next morning we woke up and took the dinghy to the shoreline. It was awesome! The rocky parts were undercut caves almost and super deep like 3-4’ all the way to the shore. If you had a shallow draft boat you could step off the back of your boat directly onto the rocks!

I love sand ripples!

Overall this was a fantastic bay. I would love to stop here on the way back north and explore more and do some paddle boarding!

And on the way out, we caught a mackerel! The cats will be so happy! I was just happy it wasn’t a barracuda!

It was a little fish, but pretty!