After hanging around in west end at the same dock we arrived at originally I was getting a little stir crazy and ready to go exploring! The wind and waves are just too much to leave and the storm blowing in tonight means we have at least a few more days at this same dock. So jason and I gathered all of our free dive and spearfishing crap, threw it in the dinghy and motored around the point into the calm shallow water to see what we could find.

The bottom is mostly sand or grass and littered with old conch shells. However there were also way more little tropical fish than I expected! We saw some big triggerfish, and some small reef fish hovering around coral. There were also 3 lionfish that I should have shot but didn’t have my gun with me. Two of them were living in an old washing machine drum!

The most interesting part of this swim was the bottom topography. Sections of the hard coral rock have been carved away into little canyons and there are shallow “grasslands” and sand dunes. Very cool!

The shittiest part of today was when I heard jason yell at me and I thought he had seen a shark or something. I turned but my big fins didn’t so I twisted my ankle. That makes me the only person I’ve ever heard of who has sprained an ankle while swimming. Meh.

I dug out my little Sony RX100 point and shoot to get some underwater pictures!

Jason found me a live conch but we ended up putting it back.  The entire bottom is littered with conch shells like a marine apocalyptic wasteland.  I wanted to give this critter a chance at life (and I didn’t want to clean it!).

Overall a pretty fun little snorkel!  Aside from the ankle injury and a little bit of current we had a great time swimming around and playing in the water for once!