When I was little my dad bought me a label maker and I labeled each and every little plastic horse with its name. (don’t judge me!) I may have gone a little overboard and went through rollllls of label tape.  Now… I bought myself a shiny new electronic label maker.  It’s awesome! I wanted to label literally every wire on the boat as we did the electrical upgrade, but didn’t get it in time.  Maybe I’ll go back through!

I started by labeling all of the lines in the potable water area so I actually know where they go!

Before: a mix of blue painters tape and yellow electrical tape. Ultra professional.
After: Hot water manifold clearly labeled.
After: Cold water manifold. With shiny new cut out valves. Be still my heart!

Also, nothing looks shittier or more sketch than a hacked up electrical panel.  Not only is our panel kind of hacked up (unfortunately) but the electrical tape labels in bright yellow just scream that “hey this panel is a piece of shit!” So I used my handy label maker to replace the electrical tape with real labels.  The font is even the same size as the factory labels because attention to detail is awesome!  Not only did I fix the labels, but I also cut out a small piece of leftover black formica to cover the holes left by the removal of the second shore connection stuff on the AC panel.  It looks like a thousand times better!

Before: This might not be up to code…
After: OCD appeased. I can sleep soundly tonight.

Obviously I did more on the boat than this today, but those posts aren’t done yet! The inside of the boat is really coming along nicely.  Only a few major projects left to button up before she’s pretty much ready to sail! I can’t wait to get out and actually use this thing for her intended purpose!