I decided randomly that I wanted to paint the teak fiddles on the perimeter of the kitchen countertops white.  I hate the wood look and think the white will look nice and match the upper cabinets! I only did half of the galley right now, because I’m still working on the other side, but I’m liking how it’s turning out!

It’s much brighter in here already!

While I was painting, Jason was out back playing with chemicals.  We got some paint stripper and teak cleaner to see if we could refinish the floors in the boat. (starting with a test piece of one of the little chunks by the mast).  Turns out that the teak and holly veneer is so thin that it’s worn through in spots and the continuous water leaks and mold have all but rotted away most of the actual holly wood inlay.  It’s a soggy, rotten, discolored mess that no amount of cleaner, bleach, or teak oil is going to bring back. 🙁

A sample of the floor before. I think those white strips are mostly just painted on…
Wet and clean. The dark spots won’t go away

So now we have a few options for the floor:  ignore that it looks terrible and cover it with something (like a rug.. that I already bought to hide the ugly floors..), or put new laminate flooring on top.  Eventually I think we will end up covering the floors with laminate.  There are a few products that look really nice, but we don’t have the time or money right now to deal with it.  Luckily, I have a lot more rugs than are reasonable to put on a boat, so problem solved!

We made a run to Sailor’s Exchange where Jason literally exchanged our old sails for the lines that he needed to finish setting up our boat to actually sail.  I looked around for some wood or plexiglass for the galley, but didn’t find anything that fit this time. Better luck next time! After this, it was too hot to go back and work on the boat some more so we headed home.

Now it’s really time to work on the guest mattress.  I’ve been procrastinating on this for months now because we’re sleeping on that mattress and it’s comfortable and I needed Jason’s help to get all the stuff out of the way so I can cut etc… but we finally got it done.  I started by laying out my pattern that I made from the boat and marking the cut lines on the foam, then I got to use my electric carving knife!

Ready to slice and dice!

That knife gets SUPER hot… I don’t think it’s made for continuous use like this.

Have 2 pieces now!

So that’s really all I expected to get done today. LOL.  However, I’d like to actually make the bed tonight, so I went ahead and laid out my fabric and cut the 4 pieces for the top and bottom of each mattress section.  Hope those stripes line up! There aren’t any actual square edges in that entire area, so I expect it to be off.  Guess I’ll hide it with a throw blanket! (or fishing gear… more likely!)

It’s the grey and black stripe in the back
as usual, the cat has to help. He’s holding the fabric down….

Tomorrow maybe I will be motivated enough to actually sew the mattress covers together! (and finish up the painting in the galley!)