We stopped by the storage shed yesterday to grab the canvas that goes over the cockpit of the boat so we could test fit it and see what kind of shape it was in.  It’s navy blue and I’m not a huge fan of blue, but I was hoping it would be in good shape so we wouldn’t have to deal with it… Unfortunately, a lot of the seams are failing, the zippers don’t work well, and the windows are yellowed and foggy.  It looks like I may have a LOT of sewing in my future!

Here’s what it looks like assembled…
Lots of windows
View from inside
Cute little side windows
Zipper and stitching
foggy window

The top of the entire thing.
It zips to the structure, so that’s nice.
Hard to see in the photos how yellowed the plastic is

Overall, I think we could muddle through a season with it on the boat, but it doesn’t have much more life left in it.  Making a new one is now on my to do list.  This is also only one part of it.  I also have pieces to cover the top all the way back to the back of the boat and enclose the entire thing.  There’s a LOT of flexible clear plastic pieces! Some of it may be usable though, but we won’t know that until the rear arch gets made and installed!

I also have little shade covers for the big hatches that I think hang from the boom. Since the boom is currently laying on the deck of the boat, I can’t try them out yet!  I do have some hatch shade covers that just slide on with elastic at the corners.  They’re not particularly well made but they get the job done!

These were the only 3 with elastic.

Eventually it got a little too hot for Jason and I to be up on the deck messing around with the canvas.  We retired below to the air conditioning (still trying its hardest!) where Jason messed with his new batteries and I worked on finishing the engine compartment.

They’re so tiny! Room for an easy 2 more! If they weren’t so expensive we’d get them!
This is the before photo!
I cut some more insulation for the engine room
Shiny new insulation with tape around the edges because attention to detail is a thing.

I may eventually put some screws with fender washers in there to really keep it from moving, but for now we’re done! (with this one door….)

This was at Ace hardware and made me laugh. Not how I kill moles, but ok…