Chelsea and I had already been shooting at Anderson Point County Park for a while and it was time for a wardrobe change! After that, we went even further down the road in the hopes of finding some more yellow trees to shoot with.  One thing I always forget about Washington is that due to the location so far north, the sun starts to get really low really early in the day.  It was about one in the afternoon, which is usually utter shit lighting, and it was probably the most epic lighting I’ve ever shot in!

She brought a blanket and pumpkins

We needed a shot of the black hat
For the ‘Gram
Shooting through a leaf at a leaf
golden lighting
I shot along a black lace scarf for this one

We continued a little further down the trail where it opened up and let more of the beautiful golden light in. I wanted the sun behind Chelsea to light up her hair.  I have no idea what kind of optical sorcery was in play inside my camera, but these came out amazing!