A few weeks ago we went to the Museum of Flight at Boeing field over near Seattle.  I hadn’t been there in a few years and had forgotten how large this place is.  I suppose that should be self-explanatory since it’s full of airplanes. I took way too many photos and despite my best efforts, still ended up with way too many!

My favorite part of this museum is how close you can actually get to the airplanes.  Some you can even sit in!

what a happy looking little plane!

that air intake tho
there are picnic tables underneath for lunches
shady glider thing
shapes and lines

I like their little historical sets

a lot of planes in one building.
that’s a pointy one…

like the fastest plane evahhhrrrr
nerd alert

the Concorde
one of my favorites

787 engine

for my work homies.
the engineer look of exasperated confusion…
777 test plane
The barrels simulate the weight of passengers
A little airplane that Jason would like
I like how the red air intake matches the red on the wing overhead

This is for you, Buck! 😉
Blue angels!
Love me some engines!

moody monochrome
that guy with the treasure from the Goonies whose name I can’t remember!
The fancy phone on air force one
communication room.

I liked this old TWA plane

space capsule
doesn’t look like a fun ride.


Nose art.
mmmmmm engine!

Folding wings are cool

an entire wall of tiny models
I love the raw aluminum planes

World War I
I like the paint on this one a lot!
A space camera lens!!!
How did they hang them all up there!?
entire building of planes

little red