After spending a fantastic night at Hotel Belmar, everyone was ready to go exploring.  Today’s bicycle ride was billed to be a fantastic cruise down the hill almost into town followed by a grueling steep climb back up.  Well, that didn’t sound like a whole lot of fun so the family and I decided to bail on that and took the bus up to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.  It seemed a shame to come this close and not actually visit the forest that this region is famous for!

Not sad I missed this!
I couldn’t leaf this pun alone
Path through the trees
The only wildlife we saw was this clear butterfly.
Tiny waterfall
The aforementioned clouds!
Me in the forest. This proves I was actually there y’all.
Clouds in the mountains
It was windy up there.
Blue sky

tiny orchids

Trees from above

My favorite part of this 2 hour hike was the giant bridge! I love bridges and we managed to get up there before anyone else so we had it to ourselves for a little bit!