I’ve successfully made it through 6 weeks of my photo challenge.  Isn’t that about how long they say it takes to form a habit? Hope so, because I could use some more practice!


It was only a matter of time really before I succumbed to one of the strains of cold/flu/virus/nastiness that had been circulating the office.  My parents got sick first, so I suppose now it’s my turn.  I woke up this morning and felt “meh” then went to work and realized I was sneezing and my nose was running and I felt like I’d been hit by a truck. Not wanting to be one of “those people” who are “too important to call in sick” I begged my dad to come pick me up from work and here I sit in front of my computer as usual.  With my newfound downtime and complete shit weather outside it seems like there’s no better time to work on my little photo challenge.  So here it is.. “windows”.

This series of photos was taken with my macro lens in front of my living room windows.  The only thing that has changed between them is the distance from the window and screen, occasionally the angle, and a couple inches one way or another.  Kind of illustrates how easy it is to get different looking photos just by moving your camera or yourself.

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It’s been pouring rain all day long but the clouds cleared off for roughly 45 seconds, which was long enough for me to run outside and get some close up photos of some of mom’s flowers on the patio.

purple and yellow
purple and yellow
I count this for "window" due to my excessive use of vignetting.
I count this for “window” due to my excessive use of vignetting.

I quickly got bored of the water drops on the window thing and decided to experiment a bit with a tutorial I found a while ago. I randomly had a sheet of glass and set it on two empty coke cans with one of my coloring books shoved underneath. It was interesting, but according to the tutorial I should have used RainX for more beading of the water drops. Reading is hard for me.

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