So for some reason I have 3 SD cards for my camera.  Probably because 10 years ago a website said to use multiple cards in case you lose one you don’t lose all your photos or something similar.  However it keeps biting me in the ass because I inevitably forget about one of the cards and think I’m all done with editing and all my blog posts are up and I feel super pleased with myself only to get smacked back down to reality with another 400 photos to go through.  As you have already guessed, this just happened AGAIN. So here’s a bonus blog post with what I affectionately call “the leftovers”.

Spaceman and tentacles? or just a scuba diver?
Spaceman and tentacles? or just a scuba diver?
Another lionfish
Another lionfish
Floating away
Floating away
This is what happens when the camera is shoved inside a plant
This is what happens when the camera is shoved inside a plant
Macro of an anemone
Macro of an anemone
Some sort of worm
Some sort of worm
Interesting macro shot.
Interesting macro shot.
Anemone. We only saw a few of them.
Anemone. We only saw a few of them.
Closeup of a lionfish
Closeup of a lionfish
Face of a lobster
Face of a lobster
Tiny tentacles on one of the plants
Tiny tentacles on one of the plants
purple and yellow fish
purple and yellow fish
These were TINY!
These were TINY!
Bad photo, but we only saw a few of these pretty blue fish.
Bad photo, but we only saw a few of these pretty blue fish.
Maybe a weird trumpet fish?
Maybe a weird trumpet fish?
Another unusual fish
Another unusual fish
Colorful coral reef
Colorful coral reef
These aggressive little fish bit the camera a few times!
These aggressive little fish bit the camera a few times!
Interesting composition
Interesting composition
Weird little fish
Weird little fish
Damselfish portrait
Damselfish portrait
Shot of the hammock lounge area
Shot of the hammock lounge area
Fellow divers
Fellow divers
Jason holding my hand underwater because we're the cutest evahhhrrrr.
Jason holding my hand underwater because we’re the cutest evahhhrrrr.