Calvin’s crack was a totally rad dive!  After gathering all the divers (not always an easy task) for a short swim, we arrived at a little rocky area that turned out to be the entrance to the crack in the ground.  To enter the crack you swim head first through a hole, which is a little nerve-wracking and extra awkward while carrying heavy, large camera equipment.  I only bashed my tank a *little* on the rock. (dammit..) Once inside the crack, it opens up to be about 10′ wide and super deep.  It really reminded me of diving Silfra in Iceland, only about 40 degrees warmer! Unfortunately (in a way I suppose…) I still had the 90mm Macro lens on my camera and really couldn’t get any photos of the crack itself. You’re just going to have to trust me that it was totally sick. 😉 The crack gets much deeper as it goes and by the end that opens back up into the open ocean I got down to 83′.  So congrats to me, as that’s the deepest I’ve ever dove! It’s scary how clear the water is and how little I noticed it was getting deeper.  Watch your depth gauge, kids! After we all emerged from the crack, we swam along the wall on the way back to the boat.  I saw two seahorses! Which are less like horses and more like slow moving orange sticks. They are neither speedy nor graceful.  My major annoyance with this dive was that I left my camera in the wrong setting when I put it in the dive housing, and for some reason the housing doesn’t have enough range in it to let me change that setting… so I pretty much got like 4 photos from Calvin’s crack and the rest are from the Newman’s wall drop off dive after I made it back to the boat and could fix it. Irritating.  I fixed the problem by removing a few spacers when I got back to the hotel room. Lessons learned. Anyway, here are the photos!

Same horse but you can almost see its face
Same horse but you can almost see its face
Flounder hiding on the mooring block
Flounder hiding on the mooring block
Finally got a shot of this little purple/yellow fish
Finally got a shot of this little purple/yellow fish
Tiny crab
Tiny crab
Spiral things with a single strobe. Looks more moody.
Spiral things with a single strobe. Looks more moody.
Moray eel! Another one!
Moray eel! Another one!
The elusive yellow spot-fish
The elusive yellow spot-fish
Sea urchin hiding under the rocks
Sea urchin hiding under the rocks
Fish of some kind
Fish of some kind
Underwater foliage
Underwater foliage
Scorpionfish. Looks like the fish we have at home!
Scorpionfish. Looks like the fish we have at home!
Spiral on coral.
Spiral on coral.
Black and white because art reasons
Black and white because art reasons
These little guys are fast!
These little guys are fast!
These are colorful but usually hug the bottom.
These are colorful but usually hug the bottom.
No idea
No idea
Little fish
Little fish
Fish in the grass on the way back to the beach
Fish in the grass on the way back to the beach
Get off my lawn!
Get off my lawn!