Downtown Bend is so cool they have art and coffee shops in the alleys! Seriously, this place has amazing food…
Browsing Category Street
Canada with Caroline
My good friend Caroline came up to visit me! YAY! It’s been a long time.. like over 5 years. We…
More from Singapore…
Between the jet lag and the excessive heat and humidity of Singapore, we were all feeling pretty lethargic at the…
Vik, Iceland
We made it to the quaint little town of Vik, Iceland! They have black sand beaches and traditional wool sweaters. …
New Year’s Eve 2015
Back when I first started researching Iceland I realized that New Year’s Eve was a HUGE thing there. Apparently the…
Reykjavik Street Art
Those of you who have been following my blog for more than a few months have probably picked up on…
Reykjavik Iceland
After a few years of spending Christmas break in sunny Florida with friends and family, Jason and I decided that…
Port Orchard
Previously all of my photos have been taken with my trusty Canon 60D and usually the 24-70mm lens. However we…
Shoot the Shit II
So my friends and I have begun organizing random photo walks to practice photography technique and learn how to use…