Part of buying a house in Bella Vista, AR was that it also comes with access to a ton of…
Browsing Category Paddle
Paddling Beaver Lake
Beaver lake (all 26,000 acres of it!) is only about an hour away from our new house! Jason found us…
Elk River Paddle
Because I enjoyed paddling the tandem canoe in Missouri so much, Jason and I drove a little ways north to…
Cherokee Landing
While Jason and I were killing time in Missouri, his sister and her boyfriend came up for a few days…
Shroud Cay Paddleboarding
I’ve been dying to dig the paddle boards out and go for a paddle but we’ve either been moving the…
Paddling Black Creek Again
I really enjoyed playing with my new paddleboard at Black Creek a few days ago and couldn’t wait to get…
Paddling Black Creek
Jason and I drive over a few bridges twice a day to go work on the boat. The bigger bridge…