While the weather in Hawaii was definitely warmer than Washington, it wasn’t necessarily less rainy or cloudy. For mom’s last…
Browsing Category Hawaii
Waikiki – Out and About
Like I said in the last post, I usually spend my work trips aimlessly wandering about and trying to find…
Waikiki – Shenanigans Around Town
Between working, eating, and sleeping, I don’t get a lot of free time while on work trips to really go…
Wahiawa Botanical Garden
Last time I drove out to the Dole Plantation I failed to notice a sign on the side of the…
Green World Coffee Farm
This little coffee place is just down the road from the Dole Plantation. There’s a little spot in the corner…
Pineapple Paradise
You didn’t really think that I would go all the way to Hawaii and the famous Dole Plantation and not…
Dole Plantation: The Quest for Dole Whip
I’m back down in sunny Hawaii on another work trip. (I know, life is so hard!) Since I’m here for…
Waterfront Waikiki
Part of the reason I’m behind on my photo challenge is because I’m traveling for work again. This time to…
Makapu’u Point Lighthouse
I freely admit that I’m a lazy photographer. I prefer to capture scenes as I find them, regardless of the…
Hiking Manoa Falls
Despite my injuries and aversion to humidity I did manage to commit to probably the shortest official hike I’ve ever…