Today we went down to the boat and I was working on the hardtop while Jason was up on deck making new lifelines.  I forgot something and headed back up top to get it when Jason exclaims that he sees a cat on the neighbor’s boat! So obviously that’s way more interesting than what I was doing so we head over to investigate.  It’s a tiny little black kitten! It’s very skittish and runs when Jason sets up a ladder by the anchor to see if he can get it to come to him.  (it didn’t) I’m still up on deck and realize that it has a collar on and that it’s gotten it’s leg caught in it so it’s around it’s neck and leg at the same time and it’s very tight.  We need to save this poor little thing!

Tiny kitten!
Don’t think you’re going to get it from there!

I see the marina owner roll by in the golf cart so I hunt him down and we get an even bigger ladder and get on this guy’s boat to try and rescue the kitty.  It, of course, runs from both of us and ends up in the cockpit (which is covered in tarps) and inside this little cubbyhole locker meant for ropes and stuff.  I’m not sure how long it had been on the boat, but I don’t envy the guy having to clean the smell out of his boat! 😮 Either way, the kitten finally leaves the cockpit and ends up on the anchor where Tom manages to grab it by the scruff of its neck and hold it.  I’m *amazed* at this point that the kitten didn’t just shred his arm… but maybe it was just tired of fighting at this point.  We tried to put it in a cardboard box, but if you’ve ever tried to shove a cat into anything, you can imagine how well that didn’t go.  Tom eventually just picks it up and carries it in his arms to the office where he has a kennel for one of his dogs.  The poor thing smells awful and the collar had worn away the skin on its neck.  I’m not sure how long it would have lasted before an infection killed it off. At this point, Kyle shows up with welding gloves and he holds the kitten while tom cuts the collar off of it.

Cutting the collar off
It’s so little and scared

Not a happy little dude

There was actually contact information on the collar, so Tom was able to get ahold of the owners.  It turns out they’re from South Carolina and thought that the cat had fallen off the boat when they were in Jacksonville beach.  So… the marina isn’t anywhere near the beach.  I have no idea how she got all the way down here.  My theory is that she hitched a ride on another boat.  I suppose she could have walked here and then saw the boats and climbed up one because it was familiar.  She’s apparently been missing for 2 whole months!  Given how skinny she is, I’ll believe it.  The story has a happy ending though, the cat was taken to the vet to get some much needed medical attention and her owners are driving down tomorrow to pick her up! I’m glad that they were found and they’re happy to have her back!


1 Comment

  1. Kimberly August 15, 2020 at 6:56 pm

    What a wonderful story! You certainly saved that kitty’s life.