I didn’t get a lot of other stuff done on the camper this weekend since I was concentrating on sewing the canvas, but I did manage a little bit!

We ordered a power inverter so we can run laptops and my coffee machine, however it was just way too big for any of the spots we were going to install it.  So it gets to go back to Amazon.  The replacement came in yesterday though!  750 watts should be enough for my coffee (and the laptop? the laptop might actually be MORE powerful than my little coffee pot…), it’s much much smaller, and it’s orange to match the camper.  That’s just a bonus but it makes me happy anyway.

We love orange, dangit!

I’m not quite ready to install the countertops yet, so I did a little bit more work on the hinged stove panel.  The thickness of the gloss I poured over it made it to where it didn’t fit.  I ended up sanding down the sides to bare wood and reapplying the black stain to the edges. Fits great now!

This is the backside

I sealed the edges of the balsa/fiberglass panel that will make the slide out portion of our bed with epoxy.  That will get rid of any lingering sharp fiberglass pokies and make it easier to paint.

It wasn’t setting up in the 60 degree weather so I had to hit it with the heat gun
Might be waiting a while for the primer to dry too.

Since I knew I was going to be ignoring the camper today while sewing, I went ahead and slapped some primer on the other side of the bed slide and a layer of final white paint on the other.  As luck would have it, I’m now completely out of white paint and I still have one side to go. I guess I get to run to West Marine after work one day.