Well today we took a few steps forward and then a few backwards.  A few days ago I found some paint in the shed that I thought was compatible with the paint I had been using and finished up some of the galley pieces so they would dry and be ready to install.  Turns out the paint *wasn’t* compatible and when I went to pick the pieces up my fingers just squished the paint around. It hadn’t dried and definitely hadn’t adhered.  So I doused it in acetone and it flaked right off. Awesome. :/


I wanted to install the face plate in the galley, but didn’t get it finished in time.  I was hot and annoyed and just wanted to go inside. so meh.

I did get the shelf installed though, and I think it looks pretty good!

yep, that’s a shelf!

Since the sink is going right there, I’m going to need somewhere for the drain water to go.  I didn’t want the mess of running the drain outside the camper under the truck, so I bought a water jug that ended up fitting the spot perfectly.

I’ll install some fittings in there and we’ll be good to go!

The tank is 3.5 gallons and should help us monitor our water usage.  If we empty it so many times, we need to think about getting more water! 🙂

Jason also cut the mat that the battery is going to sit on for vibrations and shock.

straight outta Tractor Supply.

I also installed the pieces that will make up the propane locker.

The only access is from the outside now!
There’s that!

Jason also drilled another hole in the shell for the solar panel connector.  It’s a tiny little thing but will let us send 200watts of solar to the battery to keep it topped up!

Not nearly as productive of a day as I’d like, but it’s something! Maybe tomorrow I can get that panel installed…