I finally got sick of having the camper roof up on the stands in the middle of the yard, so our goal today was to get the gasket installed, flip it over, and bolt it to the shell!

Gasket. It came with tape, so this was easy.
The front lift test fit
I sanded and clearcoated the copper tubing. It looks NICE!
From the inside
It’s pretty bright inside!

We do have a few minor issues.  The stiffeners on the roof actually hit the metal on the forward bulkhead, so we will need to trim the metal or the stiffeners.  The aluminum angle really made the roof a ton stiffer, so it doesn’t flex like it used to. I’m hoping that once we get the lifts and the canvas on that the roof will be super solid and not move around. I also have some interior paint touch up around the aluminum on the roof. I painted it upside down and didn’t quite get everything. should be pretty easy though!

The rear lift is in! Just needs some adjustment for height!

We will have to get the front lift installed tomorrow, but I really like how this turned out!

Since the roof is on, I needed to take some more photos to really show what it looks like! The exterior is pretty close to being DONE!

The diesel heater fuel tank is going on the left side bulkhead
I like how the gasket looks in there
You can still see the fiberglass seams, but I’m ok with it.
We really need to get the nose cone finished. I think it will really make this thing look amazing!
Can’t wait to get it in the truck!