We have been doing a really good job at working on the camper every night after work and on the weekends so this doesn’t turn into another project that we start and don’t finish.  However you may have noticed ZERO posts all weekend long? What gives? I’m sorry for keeping all 10 of my followers waiting! (I wasn’t at home! more on that later!)

I had half of a day to work on the camper today so I finished up the interior painting that I started the other day and ran out of paint on.  I’m only painting the parts that are “done”, which is the forward cabover, starboard side, and a little of the galley since we’re not done with that yet.

It doesn’t look much different.
Also note my lovely new blue sun shade that I promise is NOT a blue tarp!

Starting to look like a thing inside! And it’ll protect the fiberglass and be easier to clean up after, so I’m down for that.  I ignored that and let it dry for like 3 hours in the baking hot sun, so after I remembered it was out there, I went back out and glued on the first part of the galley cabinetry.

note: the blue boat cover is back on because the neighbors turn on their sprinklers…
A small panorama of what all got painted!

on a side note, my cat still can’t figure his way out of the unlocked baby gate.

he’s very stupid.

While I was gone, Jason ordered a bunch of little electrical widgets to start working on the electrical system.  It looks like all of Amazon threw up in our computer room.

Is anyone moving anytime soon? …cause I got boxes…

He also made a template of the inside of the upper dinette seat backs where we’re going to hide all of the electronics and started laying it out! 🙂


So there’s that.  I’m hoping for a little more progress this week! I’m dying to get the roof mounted on the camper, if anything just to get it out of the middle of the yard where it bakes in the hot sun. (and looks pretty redneck)